
FYI #10

Publicerad 2010-10-28 11:38:52 i FYI,

I kortfilmen No hunting från 1955 är Bambi och hans mamma med.

Kolla från 2:36

FYI #9

Publicerad 2010-10-28 11:36:27 i FYI,

I Oliver och Gänget finns följande cameos:


Peg, Jack och Trusti från Lady och Lufsen

FYI #8

Publicerad 2010-10-14 11:41:26 i FYI,

A little summary with different cameos.

Cameo - when a character appears in a film which is not it's origin

FYI #7

Publicerad 2010-09-23 09:39:49 i FYI,

If you thought that Mickey has always looked the same, then you're wrong. This picture shows how his appearence has changed through the years.

FYI #6

Publicerad 2010-09-22 14:58:49 i FYI,

This is one of my favorite cameos! The Beast appears in the sultan's pyramid!

If you can't find him here's a clue, up and left!

FYI #5

Publicerad 2010-09-22 14:53:45 i FYI,

Aladdin's carpet appears on Princess and the frog, it's on the balcony to the right.

FYI #4

Publicerad 2010-08-28 13:35:36 i FYI,

Something I think is really hilarious about Disneymovies is that some characters appears in other films.
So Peg, who I told you about before, ended up in a Pet shop!
In 101 Dalmatians she appears in the Pet shop window with her old friend the Bulldog.

Peg with some pupps

Jock, Peg, Bulldog, Tramp and Lady her self ;)

FYI #2

Publicerad 2010-08-26 11:31:22 i FYI,

"Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color"
This Is Your Life Donald Duck
In this film from 1960 all the yearly Disney characters join in. Enjoy!

FYI #1

Publicerad 2010-08-26 10:46:45 i FYI,

Dear readers! This is the first remark in a serie of information about Disney. Hope you'll learn something new! 

Lady and the Tramp
"The film's opening sequence, in which Darling unwraps a hat box on Christmas morning and finds Lady inside, is based upon an actual incident in Walt Disney's life when he presented his wife Lily with a Chow puppy as a gift in a hat box"

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