
the swing

Publicerad 2014-01-22 10:20:08 i Allmänt, FYI,

Orginaltavlan "The swing" av Jean-Honoré Fragonard blev inspiration till Lisa Keene (dotter till Glen Keene och concept art-artist i Tangled) där hon målade Rapunzel på gungan. Skaparna av Frozen gillade hennes idé så mycket att dom lånade den till sin film också. I filmen hoppar Anna in i bilden medans hon dansar. Så här ser det ut.


Publicerad 2011-12-18 15:50:30 i FYI,

De olika männen som visas i Disneys kortfilm Tjuren Ferdinand är modellerade efter olika tecknare och andra medarbetare vid Disneys studio. Matadoren är Walt Disney själv.


Publicerad 2011-09-22 20:12:35 i FYI,

"The star Ray calls “Evangelie” is in fact the planet Venus. Venus is known as the Roman goddess of love."


Publicerad 2011-09-14 15:08:58 i FYI,

Cameo of the king and duke from Cinderella in The little mermaid!


Publicerad 2011-07-11 22:48:44 i FYI,

Here is a cameo from Tangled. It's a book about Ariel, The little mermaid!

This is how the cover of the book looks like, it's kinda hard to se when the pics are so small


Publicerad 2011-06-21 22:16:09 i FYI,

Mickey, Donald and Goofy as cameos in the beginning of The Little Mermaid!

They are sitting on Triton's left side


Publicerad 2011-06-19 21:17:35 i FYI,

Minnie Mouse's real name is not Minnie but Minerva! Minnie is just a nick.


Publicerad 2011-04-27 09:25:39 i FYI,

Here's a picture with the princesses, from sketch to final result!


Publicerad 2011-04-20 15:27:26 i FYI,

Som sagt så såg jag och Julia BATB för några dagar sedan, därför postar jag nu några suitable FYIs.

In Beauty and the Beast caricatures of the directors, Kirk Wise and Gary Trousdale, can be seen in the scene where Belle is given the book as a gift. As she is leaving the store three men are seen pretending to not look through the window and then they sing, "Look there she goes. The girl who's so peculiar. I wonder if she's feeling well." They are the two men on the outside of the large blonde man.
Watch the scene from 2:00

Plot holes: Sometime after the opening number, Phillipe abandons Maurice in the woods, sometime before Maurice finds the castle. Later, Phillipe is able to direct Belle to the castle. This makes no sense because he had never been to the castle prior to this. Maurice, on the other hand, returns to the village midway through the film and somehow gets lost trying to return to the castle, even though he had been there before. Later, Gaston and his henchmen have no trouble finding the castle, even though they've never been there (Gaston does, however, have the magic mirror). Perhaps the biggest error of all is the fact that none of the villagers seem to have seen or heard of this "hidden" kingdom, which sits on a bluff on top of a mountain, overlooking the village.

Anachronisms: The band plays "The Bridal march" (better know as "here comes the bride" to most people) composed by Richard Wagner. Wagner composed it sometime in the mid 19th century. The movie takes place sometime around the mid 18th century. The bridal march was not played in places other than Germany until the late 19th century or early 20th century.

Something I found myself watching it this time was Clocksworth doing the same dance as the dwarf Doopey/Toker in Snow White. Watch from 3:58.


Publicerad 2011-02-16 12:00:00 i FYI,

Mortimer Mouse is told to be a caricature of Walt Disney himself.


Publicerad 2011-02-05 07:00:00 i FYI,

Om Trassel:

- Man var tvungen att skapa en speciell programvara för att simulera hårets rörelser. Ingen hade tidigare animerat så mycket hår och ingen kvinnlig huvudrollsinnehavare hade någonisn haft så mycket hår

- Filmen visar en spännande klimaktisk scen med en skimrande horisont fylld av lyktor. Varje lykta har sin egen animerade eld som består av 10 000 mikroskopiska ljusenheter. Det högsta antalet lyktor i en tagning är 46 000 lyktor, vilket är lika med 460 miljoner ljuspunkter!

- Den animerade rollistan i “Trassel” består av fem huvudrollsinnehavare, 21 skurkar och 38 bybor. För att skapa filmens dramatiska lyktscen bad man Disneys effekt-team att skapa en folkmassa med nästan 3 000 människor. Detta är den största folkmassa som studion någonsin har skapat till en dataanimerad film.

FYI #13

Publicerad 2011-01-14 10:00:00 i FYI,

I found the original ending of Pocahontas and it got me a little emotinal. See for yourselves, what do you think about it?

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