
good ideas come at all hours

Publicerad 2010-07-06 23:00:26 i Allmänt,

Last night I had a really hard time falling asleep, which is never a problem for me! I did everything I could, thought of boring things, counted sheep and I even tried Julia's scoop, playing the intro of The 101 Dalmatians. Nothing worked and an hour later I fell asleep. A good thing though was that I named my computer, the name is Datsie. Kind of fun and cute I think and better than "Dattan" or what ever.

One.. not so hard to count and really boring

This was kind of too exiting for me to fall asleep to, because I just jumped to the fun part when the ladies and their matching dogs walk by


Postat av: jullan

Publicerad 2010-07-07 22:21:05

hahah men ååh! du får ju inte fuska :D Man blir så luuugn!

Ett annat asbra tips, som min lillebror också sa funkade skitbra efter att jag hade lärt honom det;

räkna till 0 ifrån 100 långsamt baklänges. Alltså 100, 99, 98 osv. Så fort du hakar upp dig eller säger fel på en siffra måste du börja om! Funkar, PUSS

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