
Party like a Princess

Publicerad 2010-06-27 17:06:48 i Allmänt,

The whole year I've been talking about having a princess party when I'm turning 19. I've had pretty big dreams about this and now when it comes down to it, it's pretty hard.
My first plan was to have a big tea party at my place with lots of balloons, flowers and really dreamy princess stuff. That didn't happend. The plan is now to eat out with some of my princesses and then go out and party. Unfortunately everybody can't come, but that's how it is sometimes.

Today I've had some drama with myself. WHAT THE FUCK AM I GOING TO WEAR?!
And since I'm working all week I can't go shopping for things I may need, like a tiara! So I spent half this day looking at inspiration and DIY things. And you know what. I'm not going to look like I wanted in my dreams but I have a sulution and it's OK.

PS. I'm planning on having a costume party every year at my birthday

A princess can have many different looks, not all are wearing a classic tiara like Aurora

I'm really looking forward the dinner out on town

And having some drinks too ;) kling

Princess Wedding

Publicerad 2010-06-20 09:47:30 i Allmänt,

As all of you know the Swedish crownprincess Victoria got married yesterday. I saw most of the celebratings, and thought it was really beautiful with the decorations and outfits. At 01.00 svt showed a recap of the day in some specific chosen pictures and I dropped a tear. Both bride and groom looked truly happy.
I'm a bit jealous, I want to be in love and wear a tiara too. So ready to be a princess. So princes out there, gimme a call: 0705701205

The glamorous life of me

Publicerad 2010-06-16 19:35:51 i Allmänt,

Fuck yeah Swedish blogs.
Detta var min andra arbetsdag, ska jobba hela sommaren. "Nu är sötebrödsdagarna över", brukar pappa säga. Njaa, vet inte hur mycket jag kan hålla med om det. Var helt knäckt igår när jag kom hen, kan dock bero på att jag inte är 100 av 100% frisk(classic wild kids).
Arbetet innefattar många olika grejer, vilket är trevligt för allt blir ju tråkigt efter ett tag, men bl. a röjning av träd och ris, städning av lägenheter, trädgårdsarbete och äldre vård.

Över till en annan sak så tycker att det är jobbigt att duscha ofta. Man vill inte tvätta håret varje dag för då mår det inge bra och det är inge kul att duscha när man vet att man ändå blir skitig inom några timmar. Blä, att duscha är jobbigt. Tyvärr/lyckligtvis är det näst intill ett krav i denna del av världen.

Just Graduated

Publicerad 2010-06-11 11:51:29 i Allmänt,

Yesterday was my graduation. Though this blog was a school project it will be continued thanks to my few but faithful readers. They have insisted on keeping the blog in English aswell. SO since I'm not gonna stop writing I hope you won't stop reading!

The night didn't turn out as crazy as I thought it would. I was home by 02.00 and now I'm feeling awesome. The dinner party my class had was our first and last. It was really nice. I'd like to thank all my mates for the morning, day and night. The preparty was much more fun than at "äpplet", that's how it always is.
PS. next time no drama, please?!

During the three years in school we have grown up...

People were partying and crying...

Farewell school and all that's involved...


Publicerad 2010-06-06 22:51:23 i Allmänt,

On my computer I have a list of things: my scheme, things to remember, movies to see, some lyrics I made and even funny Twilight quotes. Well, that's not what I'm getting to. I have a list of names I like and this evening I specialixed a few of names suitable for my future dog!
As I mentioned before (at least I think I did) our old dog's name was Rajja (Rajah) named after Jasmines tiger. I'm amazed that my parents let my sister and me choose a name. Our present dog, Mitzi, was named by the owners of her mother.
Anyways, my idea now is to name our new pup after a Disney character. Here are my list so far:

- Faline/Feline (Bambi's girl)
- Nanna (the dog in Peter Pan, I love the quote you can see in the bottom)
- Akela (the wolf mother in The Jungle book)
- Vixie (the lady fox in The fox and the hound)
- Meeko (Pocahontas racoon)
- Djali (Esmerelda's goat)
- Kala (Tarzan's gorilla mother)

Start from 02:00 and you'll see what I mean ♥

It's time!

Publicerad 2010-06-03 10:29:37 i Allmänt,

The dress is done and ready for the night, so am I! Really excited to see everybody so dressed up and gorgeous as can be! I hope that my long skirt won't make me fall, that would be incredibly bad!

Hoping not to break my dress..

Now I just have to deal with my hair. Wishing that it will turn out the way I like it to.

Enjoy the night at the ball everybody! ♥

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